Candle Testing
Christopher GrahamAn essential part of running a candle business is the thorough testing of products.
This is not a step that we take lightly and always perform and document tests for new products.
With these tests, you can be confident that our candles and wax melts are of the highest quality.
It may interest you that testing of our Autumn collection started back in May and we are about to start testing our Winter collection.
Testing can be expensive for a candle business as the correct combination of vessel, wick, wax and fragrance oil levels need to be found. Many suppliers have basic guidelines but there have been times when we just needed to make the decision not to release a product as the results from our tests were not up to the high standard we aim for. While this can be frustrating the testing process is actually one of our favourite parts of the candle making journey as we always have something new to try!